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Tena koutou

Welcome to the Steiner Cottage Kindergarten

We are a small fully qualified Early Childhood Education Centre offering half and full day sessions for children aged 2-5 years.

About us

A Day at the Cottage

We provide a homelike environment with for maximum of 18 children attending each day, with a 1:6 qualified teacher ratio.



Strong partnership between home and the Cottage creates a solid foundation for children's learning journeys in early childhood and beyond.


Our Curriculum

Steiner Waldorf pedagogy aims to support the development of the whole child and this principle guides teaching and learning in our centre.



The Cottage is licensed for up to 18 children from 2 years old.

You may choose to enrol your child in either half or full day sessions, or a combination of both.

Dates and events

Term 1

31 January term starts
7 February Waitangi Day - CLOSED
14 April last day of term


Term 2

2 May term starts
6 June Queen's birthday - CLOSED
24 June Matariki - CLOSED
8 July last day of term


Term 3

25 July term starts
26 September Memorial Day - CLOSED
30 September last day of term


Term 4

17 October term starts
24 October Labour Day - CLOSED
16 December last day of term and Advent Picnic


Education Review Office Report

The Education Review Office | Te Tari Arotake Mātauranga (ERO) is the New Zealand government’s external evaluation agency. ERO evaluates and reports on the education and care of learners in schools, kura, kohanga reo, puna reo, and early childhood services.

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